
WordPress Smallbiz Themes Remote File Uploads Vulnerability

Sabtu, 13 Februari 2016

#- Title: Wordpress Smallbiz Themes Remote File Uploads Vulnerability
#- Author: FullSecurity.org
#- Date: 09-02-2016
#- Developer : expand2web.com
#- Link Download : www.expand2web.com/smallbiz-theme/
#- Google Dork: inurl:"/themes/smallbiz/"
#- Fixed in Version : -
#- Tested on : Wessel
-- Proof Of Concept --

Vulnerability : site/wp-content/themes/smallbiz/palette/index.php


if( $_GET['image'] ) // selected image from bookmark or get form
$file = $_GET['image'];

if( $_FILES['userfile']['tmp_name'] ) // Upload detected captain!

When Vulnerable : 

Method :
1. Go to site.com/wp-content/themes/smallbiz/palette/index.php
2. Upload your image
3. if succes, click image & open in new tab

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